PIC is inviting participation in the ‘Supply Installation Testing Commissioning (SITC)’ project for a temporary 20kV power supply in the PICP (ZES-PNR) in Pointe Noire in the Republic of Congo.
The following documents are attached for your kind reference. You can refer below information to make a comprehensive and competitive proposal for the above-mentioned project.
- Schematic of the proposed 20KV temporary power supply
- Proposed 20KV temporary power supply routing plan Rev#2
- Proposed single line diagram for 20KV switch panels for temporary supply
- Quotation Proposal for 20KV Temporary Power Supply
- Price should be given in this format
We will be happy to provide you with all the details necessary to prepare your proposal.
We request you to acknowledge receipt of this communication and send us your best proposal no later than 30 September 2023.