You are invited to participate for ‘Survey, Design, Engineering and Consultancy Services’ for 220 kV DC Transmission Line – PICP ( (PNSEZ), Pointe Nore in Republic of Congo. The scope envisaged under the RFP and detailed BOQ, is as follows :
Survey, Design, Engineering and Consultancy Services for:
- Proposed 220kV D/C Transmission Line
- Existing M’GK-2 SLD (Present scope of work Line-1)
- MRSS & MGK #2 Work Scope Planning & Execution
- MRSS Plot Dimensions
- MRSS Plot Location Drawing
We would request you to submit the following documents in order to complete the Vendor KYC and establish credentials:
- Company Profile
- Proposed Organisation
- Previous Experience in execution of similar kind of Project
- Company Registration documents
- Financial statistics for last three Years
We will be happy to provide you any clarification you need in order to prepare your proposal. Send your enquiries to